COVID-19 Message From Bobbi Bullock

Dear clients, friends and colleagues,


Our national, state and regional health officials are working to slow the spread of COVID-19, and every organization plays a role in protecting people who can have serious complications from this virus.

Bobbi Bullock Medical Esthetics has chosen to lead the small business community by example and will be temporarily closing to public access this Saturday, March 21st for “14 Days of Social Distancing”. However, our team will remain available to you for purchases made over the phone, online, skype consults/follow ups and questions. Please call us! 208-949-9904

We are going to use our online platform at to make available discounted services and gift-cards that can be used at a later time. We have NOT had any known exposures, but esthetics falls under the category of non-essential elective medical services, and therefore we choose to respect the new safety guidelines issued by the CDC in order to protect our team, clients and community. (Botox is essential, who are we fooling, but just not for the next few weeks 😊).

As a nurse practitioner during H1N1 flu pandemic, a veteran ICU nurse and a frontline provider against Cholera during the 2010 Haitian epidemic, I have a unique understanding of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), and the devastation that it will cause. It is a “novel virus” meaning that it has never been in humans before. Therefore, we do not have any acquired antibodies or resistance against it. The only way to stop it is to implement social distancing. This will “flatten the curve” or slow new cases until we can regain control.

I am acting as a medical professional and community leader and beg you all to stay home immediately and practice social distancing. I am encouraging other non-essential business to also follow the CDC and National guidelines and close to the public. If we all do it at the same time, we can rapidly reduce the cases. If we do not act quickly, the medical providers, supplies, and equipment will be exhausted.

The best way to help is to not become the problem. Support your small businesses with online purchases or take-out. I am paying all my staff their hourly wage as long as possible, as I value each of them. If we stick together and follow the State/Federal guidelines, we can help end this quickly in our community.

Although we do not know how long this might last, we are hoping to re-open services on April 6th. We are rescheduling & booking appointments now to offer maximum flexibility and convenience to our clients.


Let’s pull together,
Sincerely your friend,

Bobbi Bullock NP-C

14 Days of Distancing Deals